Sim Racing Association (Singapore) (SRASG) is the National Association of Sim Racing enthusiasts in Singapore.
Sim Racing, also known as Digital Motorsports or eRacing, came to Singapore’s shores long before SRASG. Groups of enthusiasts had always existed since the dawn of computer and console driving games – in fact, the association’s core members had already formed small communities by 2010. In 2018, there was an effort to network, influence and combine different fragments of Sim Racing enthusiasts in Singapore into a formalized structure; a Home for Sim Racing in Singapore.
What you see as the Association is the evolution of the interest group in Singapore and the vision of the different community leaders to merge their communities under a single banner with a shared commitment to the excellence of the sport.
Some of SRASG’s goals include:
- remain the leading Digital Motorsport community in Singapore
- promote appreciation and awareness of the sport to the general public
- represent the interests of the national sim racing community in matters concerning the development of this sport
- ensure that the “racing” genre is represented within Singapore’s eSport initiatives
- provide a stepping stone into traditional forms of grassroots and higher forms of motorsport
- support the emergence of related industries and private/state actors as part of the ecosystem
SRASG was registered in June 2019 as a non-profit society with the Registry of Societies in Singapore.